
Play in the Park text copy

Summer 2828

Town Mead Leisure Park.
Brooker Road.
Waltham Abbell. EN9 IJH
Tuesdall 28th Julll
10am -12Pm
Tuesdall 4th Aueust
10am -12Pm
Tuesdall 11th Aueust
10am -12Pm
Tuesdall 18th Aueust
10am -12Pm
Tuesdall 25th Aul!ust
IOam – 12Pm

Plall In The Park Is aa about P!mJlna and bavfl1II fun autdoan.
In One with current IIOl/emment IUldellnes The Plu In The Plr1I
Team bri1111 110U ‘Plall In The Park Take-Awa,:
VOcl are Invited to come alolUI wlfll »o11r P8l”ellf or auudlln..,… aar m
WIii be waltlnl! to hand !IOU a fun ftlled ac1M1ll PICII. Tiu …. fr.cble I cnft
activifll, various aames 110U can do to lceeP acttve as wel • lallallfull wllfl ahn.
fnio11 these at a safe distance in the Pll’kwifllin MIii’ OIIII lluMII.
Alfernativebl. take the P8Ck home 10 do at a 11111′ date.
A member of our team will be on hand tbl’OUl!llout the session to 11111P wlfll 11111 cm11danl.
No need to book. iust turn UP on the da11. Social dlstanclnl! measures wlll be In Place.