
Royal Gunpowder Mills update

UPDATE 12/04/2016: The Planning Officer’s Report recommends that permission is granted for the application.

Thanks to Alan for the info (in the comments below.)

The report is on pages 31-74 of the agenda for 20th April here: http://efgp.org.uk/rgmplanningofficerreportapril2016

The campaign to save the Royal Gunpowder Mills will have to look at the report and decide where to go next but, in the meantime, if you want to write to your District Councillor, our MP and our MEPs you can contact them directly through www.writetothem.com.



It’s all gone a bit quiet on the RGM front so I’ve phoned the District Council for an update. There’s not much news but Jill Shingler is writing a report for the next District Development Management Committee meeting, which will be held on Wednesday 20th April in Epping.

There haven’t been any changes to the application that I’m aware of but PGL submitted a Transport Assessment Report which triggered requests for responses from consultees.

As things stand the plans will still see the best bits taken from public use and fenced off for the holiday camp.

The meeting agenda should be up here in due course:  http://rds.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=749&MId=8479

The planning application and associated documents are on the Epping Forest District Council site here: http://efgp.org.uk/rgmplans